FREE eBook
Practitioner's Guide
Practitioner's Guide
to Force Plates.
For health professionals interested in integrating force plates into their clinical practice.

We know force plates
can be daunting.
With thousands of clients around the world, we have seen first-hand the concerns, challenges and successes of practitioners implementing force plate technology into their clinics, teams and businesses.
We created this guide to help answer questions, dispel some misconceptions and give you confidence to get started on your force plate journey.
Your force plate
questions, answered.
- Q: How do force plates work?
- Q: How can I use force plates in my clinic?
- Q: What tests can force plates perform?
- Q: How do I use force plates with specific pathologies?
- Q: How do I implement force plates into my business?
... and much, much more.
"Seeing the data not only helps me build more specific programs for my patients, it also allows them to visualize their progress."
"The biggest value for me from using force plates is being able to educate my patients on the ‘why’ of rehabilitation."
"Many think that more complex data must be better, but the basics are where the truth lies"
The abundance of data they offer can indeed be both enticing and overwhelming! But do not feel like you need to use all the features immediately.
"Develop test strategies based on the patient. For an 85-year old female, find what is important to her when it comes to exercise and activity then find a test for it."
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